All Wrapped Up


A Thank You to Nicole Rosemond

Nicole Rosemond has been an integral part of Secret Families of Madison County (SFMC) for such a long time. In our 100 Acre Wood, she was our Tigger…bringing positivity, encouragement and joy into the mix. As part of our board and the Wrapping Station Coordinator, she helped us streamline our process and spread the word about the charity.

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She worked hard to get areas of the ministry working like a well oiled machine by:

  • devising our green/red signs for the wrapping tables to indicate when tables were ready for another set of gifts to wrap or if they completed a set,
  • creating our envelope system (along with prior board member, Rhonda Ghottschammer) that tracked where a families’ gifts were during the day,
  • bringing music to the wrapping station by inviting her friend to DJ for us,
  • involving her friends, family and her church, New Covenant Ministry Center, in our ministry,
  • being at most all of our fundraising events and talking up Secret Families to anyone who would listen,
  • donating not only her time, but her talent and income (purchasing scads of wrapping paper, supplies and even sponsoring families),
  • wanting to help families even more, Nicole trained to be a life coach and offered her services to our sponsored families,
  • and working on the logistics area of SFMC by getting Community Hospital of Anderson’s vans to be used as gift delivery vehicles.

This year Nicole, finding the love of her life, got married and moved South. Her departure was bittersweet. Although were and are so happy for her, it also felt like we were losing one of our appendages. But Nicole (pictured below in yellow) had been working with some great folks over the years who know how to continue on her good efforts. Anne Grubb (pictured in plaid on the left below), Nicole’s cousin, is now heading up this area for us – along with her many minions. Anne has  been a great asset, taking on Cookies and Canvas fundraisers for us last year, and we’re sure she’ll blaze her own trail as the Wrapping Station Leader!


So thank you, Nicole, for all of your hard work and love for your Savior and the people He calls you to serve. We appreciate your time with us. Many blessings to you and your new life! Thanks for being our Tigger!

Secret Families of Madison County Board


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